CIRC Toyota 4WD mini-bus

Our Toyota mini-bus is a 4WD, manual transmission, Bensin (not diesel), seating eight people. In the bus, you will find a safety box with high-visibility vests, a first aid kit, battery jumper cables and other items to help you if you have a breakdown. In the winter, there are additional wool blankets and a shovel. Please do not remove the emergency kit from the vehicle. If you use something, please notify Karl Heuchel immediately so it can be replaced. From October to May, we have studded winter tyres on the vehicle.
General rules and guidelines
The bus is for official research, outreach and education activities only. It is not allowed for personal use. Note that planned teaching activities at courses should use rental cars as much as possible.
Any vehicles owned by Umeå University, including the CIRC bus, can only be operated in Sweden. This excludes nearby trips to Norway. If a vehicle is needed to travel outside Sweden, researchers must hire a rental car and include their travel plans in the rental agreement.
ANS cars are generally more energy efficient than the CIRC bus. The CIRC bus should be used primarily for groups of people or when hauling large amounts of field equipment.
You must book the bus on the CIRC-shared Google calendar. If you do not have access to the calendar, contact Karl Heuchel to get access (you must have a Gmail address to gain access). When you book the bus on the calendar, the entry should look something like: “Bus: Miellejokk (Reiner)” or “Bus: Katterjokk (Janne)”. If you are only using it for a short time, please put the time you plan to leave and return in your calendar entry.
There is a fuel card in the dash. It only works at Qstar/Bilisten. When you use the bus, you must fill it up before you return to the station if it has less than a half tank – no exceptions. The station is self-service and open 24 hours a day.
You must use the log book in the CIRC bus to record your use. This includes the driver’s name, project destination, and start and ending kilometres.
If you need a vehicle for regular and extensive use for a particular project, you should consider either renting a car or booking a car at the Abisko Scientific Research Station.
Each PI should have a personal Qstar credit card to cover their fuel costs for projects requiring extensive vehicle use. Talk to Cecilia Vallin to obtain a card.
Be open to sharing a ride with other researchers and students to reduce fuel consumption and unnecessary trips. If you need a ride and the vehicle is booked for a relevant direct of travel, contact the person and request a ride.
All passengers must always wear a seat belt at all times.
If a warning light or repair needs to be done, please contact Karl Heuchel immediately at + 46 076-805 48 88. If the engine warning light comes on, please stop immediately in a safe location (not on the highway).
The Abisko Scientific Research Station has multiple vehicles available to all researchers and students for official research activities. Contact ANS well in advance if you would like to book a vehicle.
CIRC Vehicle Calendar (view only)
The calendar below shows both availability of the CIRC bus in Abisko. It does not provide information about ANS vehicles. These must be booked directly with ANS. Putting activities on the calendar lets us all get an overview of daily activities. You can be given access to this booking calendar by request to Karl Heuchel. Note that you need a Google account to use them. If you do not have a Google account or want one, send your requests to Karl Heuchel, who will put them on the calendar.