
Global change depletes pelagic food webs in northern lakes (Web4Food)

Global change depletes pelagic food webs in northern lakes (Web4Food)

The project will assess the extent to which global change has affected the availability of key nutrients (N, phosphorus (P)) and Ca), and phytoplankton nutrient limitation regimes, in oligotrophic Fennoscandian and North American lakes, and assess the consequences of these changes on phytoplankton and zooplankton.

An integrative framework for understanding and predicting the role of inland waters in the carbon cycle

An integrative framework for understanding and predicting the role of inland waters in the carbon cycle

Using field data and modeling we test the hypothesis that greenhouse gas emission, carbon burial in sediments, and carbon export downstream vary depending on the climatic conditions and the structure of the water network.

The invisible carbon: an early indication of ecosystem change!

The invisible carbon: an early indication of ecosystem change!

Streams are sensitive sentinels for environmental change by their integration of processes in terrestrial and aquatic systems. Upland headwater streams in the north Swedish tundra show seasonally exceptional high concentrations of uncolored dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and high carbon dioxide concentrations.

Tundra P - Phosphorus transformation across Pan-Arctic tundra ecosystems

Tundra P - Phosphorus transformation across Pan-Arctic tundra ecosystems

Phosphorus (P) constrains the activity of plants and decomposers, and therefore carbon storage in many arctic ecosystems, yet our understanding of P availability in the tundra lags behind understanding of the carbon and nitrogen cycles.



Emily Goldstein Museum

Emily Goldstein Museum

Project summary

The decay of organic material, or decomposition, is a critical process for life. While plant material decomposes, it loses weight, releases nutrients and the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2). Changes in climate and decomposition potentially reinforce each other; With global warming, decomposition increases, leading to higher CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, which in turn accelerates global warming. These feedbacks substantially influence our future climate. However, the current climate models lack sufficient measured data to accurately include feedbacks between decomposition and climate. Solving this requires a new approach and a huge quantity of data. A recently developed method that uses tea bags as test kits is such an approach. By involving citizen scientists, decomposition rates will be measured at a previously unattainable scale and resolution, within a relatively short time. This will break new ground in our understanding of climate effects on decomposition. We will test the effects of changed climate conditions by burying tea worldwide alongside climate manipulation experiments (with open top chambers and rain shelters). We further calibrate the method and measure decomposition under a large variety of environmental conditions in the laboratory. The tea time for science project will thus compile a global soil map of decomposition, and perform the most rigorous test of the relation between climate factors and decay rates using models with increased accuracy.

Project website


Mariet Hefting, Utrecht University
Taru Sandén, Department for Soil Health and Plant Nutrition at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES)
Joost Keuskamp, Biont Research



Technical faculty of Umea university

Project Dates

2015 - 2019

Project Photos

Climate impact on the carbon emission and export from Siberian inland waters

This interdisciplinary project link expertise in aquatic biogeochemistry, hydrology and permafrost dynamics with the aim to improve the knowledge of the role of high latitude inland waters in emitting C to atmosphere and in exporting C to downstream coastal regions and how this varies between different climate regimes.

Global Nitrogen Enrichment Experiment (AGNEE)

We aim to establish how DIN:TP ratios influence biomass, composition and elemental stoichiometry of phyto- and zooplankton communities, and to determine nutrient limiting factors of phytoplankton and consumer-driven nutrient regeneration responses.