Andrew MacDougall

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Andrew MacDougall, PhD
(Associate Professor)

Department of Integrative Biology
University of Guelph, Canada


Personal Research Webpage

Twitter: @AMacD_UGuelph

Research Summary

Our lab focuses on how the processes that determine the structure and function of ecological communities are altered by multiple and co-occurring forms of human-based environmental change. At the simplest level, all communities are regulated by the pool sizes and flows rates of limiting resources. Humans affect diversity and function by dramatically altering these pools and flows, but do so in complicated ways because factors such as climate change, nutrient pollution (eutrophication), species introductions, habitat loss, and trophic collapse often occur simultaneously. Our lab uses empirical and statistical approaches, at scales from local to global, to investigate these issues, targeting both fundamental theory and its application to management.

Current Projects

My Research in the News

Photos From the Field

Andrew MacDougall's Publications

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