Emil Andersen

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Emil Andersen

Climate Impacts Research Centre
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Email: emil.andersen@umu.se

Umeå University Profile

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3745-5044

Research Summary

My research aims to better understand plant-soil-microbe interactions in the long cold arctic winter season. I primarily study nitrogen cycling in different plant groups and species to uncover differences in nutrient uptake and activity at different times of the year. Linking this plant activity and uptake to availability and release of nutrients by microbial activity. By understanding plant activity during the cold season I hope to cast a light on how climate change and winter warming will affect the Arctic ecosystem and feedback to the global climate system.


Ellen Dorrepaal, Umeå University

Johan Olofsson, Umeå University

Emil Andersen’s Publications

View publications on DiVA or ResearchGate