Sarah Burnet

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Sarah Burnet
(PhD Student)

University of Idaho

Twitter: @limnosarah

Research Summary

Sarah Burnet is pursuing her Ph.D. in Fish and Wildlife Sciences at the University of Idaho advised by Dr. Frank Wilhelm. Her Ph.D. research is focused on the relationships between sediment type, particle size, iron availability, and dissolved oxygen concentrations in the release of phosphorus. Her PhD research is related to her LOREX project (see below). The project objective will be to test the hypothesis that P-release from sediments varies directly with location and headwater characteristics of lakes which influences their thermal stratification, metabolism, and oxygen regimes. Understanding this fraction is crucial to place whole-lake P-budgets in context for i) remediation programs and ii) to predict future changes such as those related to climatic warming. Sarah currently serves as the Student Director for the North American Lake Management Society and as Chair of Student Programs. Sarah's previous work experience includes sampling and analysis on all five Great Lakes with Cornell University as well as collecting data and samples following the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil spill.


Assessing the role of sediment-released phosphorus from laboratory incubated cores to their nutrient mass balance collected across a spatial extent in Arctic lakes.

Dates: 15 June - 22 August