As an evolutionary ecologist I am interested in how human activities influence (directly & indirectly) and shape the behaviour and life-history traits of social insects.
Sylvain Monteux
Emily Baird
Jan Karlsson
Keith Larson
Pär Byström
Ann-Kristin Bergström
Reiner Giesler
Carolina Olid
Ryan Sponseller
Jonatan Klaminder
David Wardle
My primary research focus is on the pathways linking key environmental processes across geographic scales. Lakes are typically studied individually, or in small groups in close proximity, and this inhibits identification of mechanisms by which large-scale factors like climate change influence ecosystem patterns and processes.
Maja Sundqvist
Johan Olofsson
Jenny Ask
Demian Hauptmann
April to June 2016, during my ERASMUS+ exchange to Umeå University, I got to spend two months in Abisko, when participating in the course “Arctic Geoecology”. As my personal interest in sustainability and climate change already grew before coming to Abisko, this was the perfect opportunity to combine both, my private interests and my research interests, in this hot topic.